Best YouTube Publishing Time for Content Creators 


The ideal YouTube publishing time is crucial for maximizing your reach and engagement. Based om over 50,000 content creators, the best time to publish on YouTube is between 2 pm and 4 pm (EST) on weekdays, and 9 am to 11 am (EST) on weekends.  

YouTube is one of the most used search engines on earth right after Google itself. This makes things harder and easier at the same time for content creators to gain visibility. This data shows that YouTube is a crowded place and standing out is not an easy task to do. But, if you know the best YouTube publishing time, you can use this crowd to grow on this platform. 

With the right time you can increase your reach and visibility on YouTube, this can translate into increased popularity and sustainable growth. Today’s article aims to explore this idea and help you find the best time for publishing. 

Best Time to Post on YouTube

It’s known that timing can significantly increase your views, likes, and many more engagement rates on YouTube. In that case, on forums and social media, content creators share their experiences based on their decisions so that people who just started on YouTube won’t struggle as they did. Before moving on, you should know that the best time to post YouTube Shorts is different from regular posting. So, you can find the best time to post on YouTube based on content creators’ experiences here: 

  • Best Practices: Contents creators reported that these times ranges are really working well for them, for instance, posting between 2 PM and 4 PM on weekdays are good options for YouTube publishing time. Because people are tired from work or school, and they want to spend their free time with new content on YouTube. You can consider these times if it fits your content. 
  • Seasonal and Day-Specific Trends: Please bear in mind that holidays, seasonal days or specific days of the week can affect the timing of your posts. For instance, you are targeting teens or young adults, usually you can publish your videos after noon but since schools are out, you need to change your timing or make changes on your strategy if you still want them to watch your videos right after you publish them.  

Based on these experiences you can create a map like this: 

  • Monday: 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Tuesday: 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Wednesday: 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Thursday: 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Friday: 2 pm to 4 pm 
  • Saturday: 9 am to 11 am 
  • Sunday: 9 am to 11 am 

Why YouTube Publishing Time is Important 

You cannot publish your videos randomly. If you post your videos at the wrong time, you won’t be able to reach a wider audience, and this can translate into a lower engagement rate. You can try different times of day and see at what time you can reach the higher rates.  

As mentioned above, knowing what kinds of interest your viewers have, or habits can have a big impact on your YouTube growth. You can obtain these data by using YouTube Analytics. You can find out when they are most active and optimize your content strategy based on their expectations so that you can reach them at the right time, with the right content. 

Additionally, the algorithm pays attention to your YouTube publishing times. Based on this information, the algorithm decides to show your content to its users. Therefore, knowing the best time to publish your content becomes much more important for your reach, visibility, and engagement rates on all social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

How to Determine the Best Publishing Time on YouTube That Works for You 

As you know now, timing is an important part of your social media strategy. And if you do not know how to find the right time for your niche, don’t you worry about it. Many content creators didn’t know the impact of timing until they reached at a certain point in their content creator careers. By simply following these steps, you can find the best YouTube publishing time for your channel: 

  • Check Your YouTube Analytics: The first step for you should be heading to YouTube Analytics. You can get so much useful information about your YouTube channel and your viewers. By clicking on “View Analytics” section, you can find information about your channel such as views, likes, subscribers, the channels they watch, videos they watch outside of your channel and many more. 
  • Experiment with Different Times: If you find this method a bit complicated, you can always try out the old-fashioned way. Do not post at the same time, try different timing and keep an eye on your stats. In this way, you can find what works best for your channel. Simply, look at your likes, views, comments, and your subscriber counts. Keep trying this until you find a peak point. After that, you can create a publishing schedule. 

You can notice the difference between these two ways to find the best YouTube publishing time. However, some content creators suggest that mixing these two gives them a much clearer perspective about their timing. 

Strategies to Schedule Your Videos 

After you find the right time, you can schedule your videos to publish at that time you choose automatically. This can maximize the effectiveness of this strategy and it can make things easier if you don’t have time to do it on your own. These steps can show you how it’s done: 

  1. Upload Your Video: To schedule your videos, you need to upload your videos as you normally do. 
  1. Set to “Schedule”: Now you need to click on the “schedule” button which is located right next to the “publish” button. 
  1. Pick Your Date and Time: At this section, you need set the time for your best publishing time. And remember to choose the date. 
  1. Double-Check Everything: Before completing the process, double-check everything. Your title, description, thumbnail, tags and more. 


Does the best publishing time change as your YouTube channel grows? 

As you grow on YouTube, you’ll get new viewers and subscribers. This new audience base can demand changes in your social media strategy, this includes YouTube publishing time. 

How does the type of content you create influence the best time to publish on YouTube? 

Your content type, niche can affect your publishing time. For example, if you are aiming for gamers, you might need to upload your videos later in the night since these people spend more time at night. On the other hand, if you create educational content, publishing them in the morning would get you more views and engagements. 

Does the geographic location of my audience affect the best time to publish on YouTube? 

Yes, the geographic location can significantly affect your strategy. If you are posting your videos according to your local time zone, it might be difficult to reach your viewers that are in different time zones. 

Written by
Stacey Thornhill

Stacey Thornhill leads the way in digital media and content strategy. She perfectly combines her marketing passion with a rich expertise in digital platforms like Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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