How To See Dislikes on YouTube? Restore Dislikes!


To view dislikes on YouTube videos when you’re not the content owner, you can use the Return YouTube Dislike plugin. This plugin is compatible with popular browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

Hello to all dedicated YouTube users and creators! With years of experience in exploring YouTube’s complexities, I’ve gained a deep understanding of its various functionalities and the significant role played by third-party tools. My insights, rooted in this rich experience, are aimed at providing you with practical, technically informed, and user-centric guidance on digital media topics, including how to view dislikes on YouTube.

Today, we’re tackling a compelling issue – revealing those hidden dislikes on YouTube, a feature that became obscure to the public in November 2021. As an experienced YouTuber, I recognize the critical role of all forms of feedback, including dislikes. They serve as an essential resource for enhancing your content and increasing audience interaction.

Without further ado, let’s delve into the methods for rediscovering the dislikes on YouTube videos.

How to Restore Dislikes on YouTube

If you are looking for an answer to seeing YouTube dislikes, you are in the right place! The feature to view likes on YouTube videos may no longer be available.

However, video content producers and most of the popular YouTubers can still easily access the like count of their videos by providing a few simple details!

Although YouTube removed the dislike button, there are multiple ways to see dislikes and reach out to the dislike data.

To see the dislikes on videos, follow these simple steps:

Step 1:

Open YouTube Studio and search for the video you want to see the dislikes for.

YouTube Studio Home Page

Step 2:

Click on the video to open it.

Your Channel Home Page

Step 3:

Scroll down to the bottom of the video and look for the “thumbs down” icon. The number beside the “thumbs down” icon is the number of dislikes the video has received.

Step 4:

Click on the “thumbs down” icon to see users’ comments about why they disliked the video.

Browser Extension to Restore YouTube Dislikes

With the help of a browser extension, you can easily restore the dislikes on your YouTube videos. All you need is Google Chrome or any other browsers like Firefox and Microsoft Edge. If you use Google Chrome, head to the Chrome Web Store and search for a “YouTube dislikes restoration” extension.

There are several popular extensions available, like the Return YouTube Dislike plugin, that can help you with this task, and they may become your virtual dislike counter!

Google Chrome Web Store Extensions

This handy extension will then work its magic and restore the dislikes on your video, and then you can easily see how many people dislike your video.

Return YouTube Dislike Extension

Once you download the Return YouTube dislike extension, simply install it in your browser to access all dislike counts. Then, navigate to your YouTube video that received the dislikes and click on the extension icon in your browser. You can remove the extension anytime you want by clicking the jigsaw icon next to the three dots in the address bar.

How to See Dislikes on YouTube as a Creator

As a YouTube creator, it’s important to keep track of your video’s engagement metrics. Here’s a quick guide on how to see dislikes on YouTube:

  1. Log in to your YouTube account and go to your YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on the “Analytics” tab in the left-hand menu.

YouTube Studio on Mobile App

3. To see a more detailed breakdown of your video’s dislikes, click on the title in the “Top Videos” section.

4. Scroll down to the “Engagement” section to see the likes and dislikes your video has received.

How to See Dislikes on YouTube as a Viewer

If you’re a viewer on YouTube, you should see the dislikes that a video has received to gauge its popularity or credibility. Here’s a quick guide on how to see dislikes on YouTube as a viewer:

  1. Go to the YouTube video you want to see the dislikes for.
  2. Scroll below the video and click on the “Show More” button.
  3. You’ll see the number of likes and dislikes that have been received and other engagement metrics like views and comments. If you want a more detailed breakdown of the likes and dislikes, click the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon.
  4. This will show you the percentage of likes and dislikes the video has received and any comments left by viewers.

Are Third-Party Tools Safe for Uncovering Dislikes on YouTube?

When exploring alternative methods to unveil YouTube dislikes, it’s common for users to turn to third-party plugins or browser extensions as a practical workaround. These tools indeed serve as a means to access the desired information, but a seasoned perspective emphasizes the imperative need for vigilant consideration of the potential pitfalls involved.

Privacy Matters: The foremost apprehension when engaging with third-party plugins centers around privacy. Essentially, by granting these extensions access to your YouTube account, you open the door for potential data collection and even the tracking of your online behavior. 

Compatibility Challenges: YouTube continually updates its platform, a fact that frequently leads to compatibility issues with third-party plugins. What operates seamlessly today may become obsolete post a YouTube update, leaving you bereft of the functionality you were relying upon. Maintaining a vigilant eye on recent updates and user feedback is fundamental to ensuring your selected plugin remains in harmony with the latest YouTube version.

Security Pitfalls: In more alarming scenarios, third-party plugins may harbor malicious code or vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise the security of your device. 

Account Repercussions: YouTube’s terms of service may not endorse the use of third-party plugins to access concealed data like dislikes. In exceptional instances, the utilization of such plugins could provoke unwelcome consequences for your YouTube account, including warnings or restrictions. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the potential ramifications is an imperative precursor to any decision to proceed.

The Impact of Disabled Like-to-Dislike Ratio 

The removal of the public dislike count feature by YouTube in November 2021 sparked significant discussions within the creator community and among experts in the field of online content. According to several sources, including industry experts and YouTube’s official statements, the decision to hide dislike counts aimed to protect creators from targeted harassment and reduce the negative impact of dislikes on mental health.

In response to targeted attacks and mass dislike campaigns on creators’ content, YouTube has disabled the like-to-dislike ratios. While this is a reasonable measure to address the issue, it has eliminated one of the few metrics available for evaluating video quality on the platform. 

The extension relies on user data to determine video ratios, and as a user, your viewing habits are being used to gather this information. The extension’s author is working to collect valuable insights about the content you watch. Currently, only content creators can view the number of likes and dislikes their videos receive. 

However, there are plans to enable creators to share this information with the extension soon. Using the extension helps refine video ratios and ultimately supports content creators.  


Can I see the number of dislikes on a YouTube video?

No, YouTube recently updated its platform and has removed the public display of the exact number of dislikes on a video. Instead, dislikes are now only visible to the video owner and creators of the channel. The public can only see the ratio of likes but not the specific number of them.

Can the creator of the video still see the number of dislikes?

Yes, as of September 2021, the video creator can still see the exact number of dislikes on their video. Removing the public display of dislikes only affects viewers who are not the video owner or part of the creator’s channel.

Why did YouTube remove the dislike count?

YouTube decided to remove the public display of the exact number of dislikes on a video to reduce targeted harassment and negativity towards certain content or creators. By removing the dislike count, YouTube hopes to discourage users from engaging in coordinated campaigns to dislike videos to damage a video’s reputation.

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Written by
Daisy Hoda

As a senior editor, Daisy Hoda creates well-structured website content, combining her knowledge and skills of digital media and writing in a pot. Her expertise extends to various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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