How Many Hashtags Should I Use on Instagram


While Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, experts recommend using 5 to 11 for optimal engagement. Including too many hashtags in your caption can make your post look cluttered but using them in the first comment offers a cleaner appearance. Be sure to use relevant hashtags to ensure your content reaches the right audience, as unrelated hashtags can harm your visibility and even lead to shadowbanning. 

As a content creator, at some point we all ask the same question “How many hashtags should I use on Instagram?” This is a common question regardless of your niche because on any social media platform including Instagram, hashtags are quite powerful and they can help you increase your visibility, reach and recognition. 

In today’s blog, we are going to discuss how many hashtags are optimal and how they can help you out.  

Let’s cut to the chase and find the ideal hashtag number! 

What Is the Ideal Number of Hashtags on Instagram? 

On Instagram, you can use 30 (maximum number) hashtags in a single post. However, do you believe that using the full limit is a good idea? Well, if you said no, you are correct because Instagram experts suggest that the optimal number of hashtags for better reach and engagement is between 5 to 11, and that’s the answer to “How many hashtags should I use on Instagram?”. 

However, you need to choose the hashtags you want to use carefully because sometimes you can look completely irrelevant in certain hashtags. For example, if you stuff hashtags to your post about car engines, no one would be interested in your content if you appear in a hashtag that is about hotdogs! 

The Best Places to Use Hashtags on Instagram 

One of the most asked questions is where to place hashtags right after how many hashtags I should use on Instagram. Sometimes you can see hashtags in the comments, sometimes in the post caption. The both ways have their own advantages and disadvantages, so let’s look at them closely. 

Hashtags in Captions 


  • Visibility: When you place a hashtag in your caption, your post can get an immediate visibility boost thanks to appearing in the hashtag. In this way, you can increase your reach and Instagram’s algorithm will index your post. 
  • More Engagement: Since hashtags are featured, your posts get more likes, shares, and comments but you should know that the difference in engagement is not a big one, just slightly higher. 


  • Cluttered Appearance: The struggle is the same lads. Featuring hashtags in the caption is not visually appealing, isn’t it? This may distract potential followers and visitors. There are certain ways to mask them by leaving a space between them and the post but still, you can see the clutter. 

Hashtags in Comments 


  • Cleaner Look: Right where we left off, placing hashtags on Instagram comments, can remove any clutter and provide you with a more clean and professional look. This can easily improve your overall look on Instagram since there won’t be any distractions. 
  • Same Functionality: Your posts can get indexed even when you put hashtags in the comments. However, engagement can be slightly lower. 


  • Delayed Indexing: Even though you can get indexed, the process takes more time than placing them into your captions because the hashtags in the comments aren’t posted immediately with the content. If timing is not a crucial factor for you, this won’t be a problem. 
  • Manual Effort: If you are posting multiple different photos, you have to add the hashtags manually after you post your content which can be quite time-consuming since it’s an extra step. 

The Importance of Using Relevant Hashtags 

Now that you know the answer to “How many hashtags should I use on Instagram?”, you need to know which hashtags you can use to increase your influence as well as your reach on the platform. 

Popular hashtags are quite effective but you should use relative hashtags on Instagram because only in this way you can reach the users who are genuinely interested in your content, otherwise, users will scroll past your posts and you’ll end up with only increased impressions which cannot help you increase your followers. Because, Instagram gives priority to the contents that align with the interests of the users which means that if the hashtags you are using have no relation to your content, you cannot get the attention you want, additionally, Instagram will see this action as a spam and removes your post. 

In some cases, using unrelated hashtags or hashtag stuffing can translate into shadowbanning which means that no matter what you do, you won’t be able to increase your visibility on the platform because you are restricted. 

How to Find Relevant Hashtags for Your Niche?

To avoid any kind of problem, you should ask two things, “How many hashtags should I use on Instagram, and how to find them for my niche?”, luckily, I am here to help you out but be aware of banned Instagram hashtags so that you won’t get into any trouble.  

  1. Research Your Competitors: You don’t need to start over with your research. You can take a look at which hashtags your competitors are using and have an idea. 
  1. Tools: There are dozens of hashtag finders out there and the majority of them are free to use (unless you are looking for something comprehensive). You can ask about them and see what they can get you. 

These two methods are the most popular ones and they are quite effective. Also, we suggest that keep an eye on your hashtags and see how are they performing so that you can make changes to your strategies such as how many hashtags you use on Instagram. 


Can I use the same set of hashtags for every Instagram post? 

It might seem like a good idea to use the same set on every post, but it’s not. You need fresh and divers hashtags so that Instagram can favor you. Only this way you can expand your reach and increase your visibility. 

How often should I change my Instagram hashtags? 

The most common time period to change your hashtags is a few weeks, however, if you notice drops in your engagement you can change them with fresh ones right away. 

Is there a difference between using branded hashtags and general hashtags? 

Yes, there is a significant difference between them. Branded hashtags only belong to your brand or personal brand which can help you build a community around your brand. On the other hand, general hashtags are for everybody which means that they increase your chance of reaching more people. 

Written by
Stacey Thornhill

Stacey Thornhill leads the way in digital media and content strategy. She perfectly combines her marketing passion with a rich expertise in digital platforms like Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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